Business Cards available for Outreach

Tradition 5:  Each group has but one primary purpose – to carry its message to the nicotine addict who still suffers.

Thanks to your donations, SCINA (Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous) has been able to have 5,000 “When You Are Ready” business cards printed to give to its members.  Members can observe Tradition 5 by delivering Nicotine Anonymous literature and our “When You Are Ready… We Will Be There” business cards to hospitals, clinics, drug stores, supermarkets, doctor’s offices, dentists, coffee shops, churches, and fellowship halls throughout the Southland. 

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If you wish to help, just send your Intergroup Representative to the Intergroup meeting at White Memorial Medical Center on the 3rd Sunday of the month (except September when we are at the picnic) to pick up free business cards.  We will give sets of 50 business cards to the first 100 people willing to distribute, first come – first served, so please get signatures at your meetings.  To spread the word, we hope you can purchase pamphlets and copy meeting lists to distribute.

To really spread the message all year long, we hope you can ‘adopt’ some of these locations and stop regularly to leave literature and business cards (literature would be paid for by your group).

Please ask them if you can leave free literature and business cards advertising our free support group helping people stay nicotine free.  A few cards left at the counter might be allowed if you ask nicely every week or month where you shop.  You never know where you might be a life giver to someone who needs just a nudge to become willing to try.

For more information or to make sure we still have cards available, call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 or email at .